Sexual selection is natural selection that play important role in successful reproduction and mating selection. Phenotype appeal or courtship rituals increase the rate of survival of male bird as they attract female for mating. The Darwinian Theory did not work well for the Man-akin bird found from the mossy forest of Ecuador. The man club winged Man-akin are the birds with attractive color and red crown. At first sight, it look like they have this appearance for sexual selection to survive. In addition to their color, they also sing a song with strange movement of their wings which sound like feedback from electrical guitar. Their attractive song and appearance do attract the female bird for mating but with fact of decreasing the survival rate.
The reason behind it is the unusual shape of wing bone and feathers which decrease their flying efficiency and so as their survival rate. The genes for this feature then pass on to their offspring if the Female mate select the Male bird with unusual feathers and wing bone. The Female bird also got the same features of the wing bone even though they never sing, which state the development of such features occurred at embryonic level.The selection of this topic reveal the truth behind the evolution, which oppose the theory that the natural selection is at center to explain all evolutionary events for all organism. Here, the features that male bird adapted for sexual selection dis not favor their survival rate for both male and female bird. So the natural selection is not always the factor for survival. There is possibility for existence of another mechanism behind the evolution of life besides the natural selection

Twinkle Patel.                                       Source:
Richard O. Prum is a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Yale and the author of the forthcoming “The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin’s Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World — and Us,”

4 thoughts on “Are These Birds Too Sexy to Survive? Natural selection can’t explain this.

  1. Darwin’s evolution theory is basically survival of the fittest followed by reproduction. However, these birds, they are good looking, which attracts mates, however, not so with surviving. This is due to the fact of the way there wings are, which does not allow them to fly as well or well. For this reason they would not be popular, even though they can mate, they can not survive because of there wings.


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